All Blog Posts (51)

Our future pays the price for the fossil fuel industry's irresponsibility; imagine if America shouldered the real price today...

While natural gas could serve as an interim energy source that could among other things help in our vehicle fleet as we transition away from the dirtier C02 emitting fossil fuels of oil & coal and while it can also help provide us energy independence, the natural gas industry must come clean with the American public.  President Obama's inclusion of natural gas as a "clean energy" in his State of the Union is untrue and inappapropriate because the industry is concealing the truth and…


Added by Robb Hirsch on March 4, 2011 at 10:59am — No Comments

Convinced and Convicted

We're scorching our planet. I heard it, I believe it, and I'm trying to stop it. But I can't help but feel alone in my battle for the future of our home. But why does it seem like no one else is trying to stop this obvious and eminent disaster?


The disbelieving

There is a significant percentage of Americans that don't believe in anthropogenic (human caused) global warming, anywhere from 25-35% depending on the poll. Actually, it took me a while to believe in climate…


Added by Jon Dunn on February 28, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments


The Climate Change Leadership Institute (CCLI) invites you to Cool the Climate at

As the politics of global warming heats up, as fossil fuel interests fight to keep a stranglehold on our economy, we the people must stay cool-headed & focused on the facts regarding human-induced climate change. Fear will govern us to be divided and in denial about this…


Added by Robb Hirsch on January 31, 2011 at 2:11pm — No Comments

US President's clean energy goal is ambitious and worthy of our full-on support

Clean energy was the major focus of innovation leadership that President Obama called for in the State of the Union address -- see more details in the Daily Energy Report and Climate Solutions:  ;  …


Added by Robb Hirsch on January 28, 2011 at 11:54am — No Comments

No giant national leaps (yet) but still some important progress at year's end on climate and clean energy stewardship.

In 2010, our nation regrettably did not enact meaningful climate legislation, we did not institute a price for emitting carbon dioxide, nor did we enact a national renewable energy~electricity standard -- all of which are critical to our future success and sustainability. But the United States did make some incremental progress which is worth noting, protecting and building on in 2011.

Vital tax incentives were extended for renewable energy development (see the NYTimes story…


Added by Robb Hirsch on December 28, 2010 at 11:24am — No Comments

Want to get involved?

So here is a list of links to various environmental organizations across the state from the great people at the New Mexico Environmental Law Center. If you are looking for places to volunteer this is a great resource list. Also, CCLI is on the search for some brand new interns for the coming year so please let us know if there is someone you know who would like to apply or if you would like to apply yourself.…


Added by Alanna Offield on December 2, 2010 at 3:56pm — No Comments Event on November 20th

This sounds like it will be a lot of fun ... check it out! I will be there!

Added by Alanna Offield on November 12, 2010 at 6:28pm — No Comments

Eco Flight + Clean Energy Workshop at Santa Fe Indian School = Bright Eyed Students

On Wednesday Eco Flight ( which gives politicians, business leaders and students an eagle eye perspective of the polluting and non-poluting energy projects around the country, Bill Brown a Taos based renewable energy expert with the Climate Project ( and CCLI (…


Added by Robb Hirsch on November 11, 2010 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Radio Interview w/ Chris from Project 101.5

Below is a link to a radio interview we did with Chris from Project 101.5 last week on the upcoming Bike Ride Event and Fundraiser happening this weekend at the Tesuque Village Market. I hope to see you all there!

Added by Alanna Offield on October 22, 2010 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Lead Your Revolution Bike Event and CCLI Fundraiser

Checkout today's New Mexican and this week's radio interview encouraging community involvement in the bike ride event and reporting how all proceeds go to… Continue

Added by Robb Hirsch on October 22, 2010 at 8:15am — No Comments

If our military can do it so can we...

Yesterday's lead story about the US military converting to renewables is most encouraging and underscores that a renewables revolution is at hand and that making this transormation to pollutoin free power is in our foremost economic, health and national security interest. The aspiring goal of the armed forces is to become 50% renewable by 2020. We should more than applaud this development, we should keep pace by pushing our selves, our workplaces, our communities, our municipilaties, our…


Added by Robb Hirsch on October 6, 2010 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Help New Mexico Lead by Example!

I look forward to speaking up at the public session this evening at the PERA bldg (Apodaca Room) on behalf of New Mexico curbing and capping excessive emissions of carbon dioxide from factories and industrial plants. We hope as many of you as possible come along, stand up and speak out in support of New Mexico breaking away from the old era of fossil fuel pollution and advancing a responsible future of clean power, energy efficiency and conservation!

Added by Robb Hirsch on October 4, 2010 at 2:16pm — No Comments

Monday Oct 4th, EIB hearings on capping emissions! Come join us!

I'm passing on this message from one of our site members Lillia Diaz. CCLI will be there, and we would love for you to join us. This is an oppourtunity to be heard, don't miss it!



>The Environmental Improvement Board will review a regional cap and trade

>program on carbon emissions…


Added by Alanna Offield on September 30, 2010 at 9:04am — No Comments

Now is your chance to make a difference...

Now is the time to speak up and share why you feel like New Mexico could be a leader in addressing climate change. If you feel strongly about preserving the land of enchantment and are interested in seeing more investment in green jobs, come make a 3 minute testimony as to why NM needs to enact a cap on carbon emissions. Take 3 minutes out of your evening to make public comment in front of the Environmental Improvement Board that is hearing petitions from New Energy Economy and the NM… Continue

Added by Lilia Diaz on September 20, 2010 at 2:44pm — 1 Comment

Warren Wilson: A super cool college for people who are interested in environmental issues

Check out their awesome sustainable ag. program!

Added by Alanna Offield on September 13, 2010 at 8:36pm — No Comments

Radio Interview with CCLI on Project 101.5

Hope you heard us on the air with Chris yesterday morning! If you didn't here is an instant replay. Thanks again, Hutton Broadcasting!

Added by Alanna Offield on August 13, 2010 at 2:33pm — No Comments


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