Lift the (Fracking) Fog America and come March for Responsible Energy on May 14th to preserve New Mexico's Pit Rule

The Students for a Sustainable Future (SSF) and the Climate Change Leadership Institute (CCLI) are together leading a 2012 direct action project called LIFT THE FOG which stands for Launching Integrity and Facing Truth in Fracking for Oil & Gas. It is vital that we the people hold the oil and gas industry accountable for practicing sustainable development in the extraction of these fossil fuels and likewise we must call on our elected officials to regulate fracking to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and a host of other essential environmental standards. Find out more about - and participate in - this important endeavor seeking a new era of energy at

Also come participate in the related March for Responsible Energy which is a 1 mile walk on Monday, May 14th at noon starting from Santa Fe's Historic Train Depot (410 S. Guadalupe St.) and going to the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (1220 S. St. Francis) to protest the attempt by the oil & gas industry to repeal New Mexico's Pit Rule, which provides for the safe containment of waste from oil & gas drilling operations. Make a sign, come out during your lunch hour, tell your friends about it and join this demonstration on behalf of a clean energy future (learn more about the March for Responsible Energy @

Both the Lift the Fog direct action project and the March for Responsible Energy were featured on Project 101.5 - listen to the podcast @

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