This year I have vowed to buy nothing new except food, art supplies, and things like toothpaste or shampoo for the next year. I was inspired to do this through an article I read a while back about a community that did the same. They would pass down clothes, trade kitchen items, or recycle things into toys for their children. So far it has been exciting having to hunt for working used things. And it has made me get creative about fixing things that I might have thrown away before. The next step will be to learn how to make shampoo and other personal products. I will keep you posted on how things go, and I inspire you to try the same in your life!

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Comment by Tamara Berdofe on April 15, 2010 at 3:11pm
Thank you Alanna I've been doing this (buying nothing new;everything recycled) for several years now but I didn't begin through ideology but through necessity. After the fact I wouldn't change anything! It works and I feel so much better, mind , body and soul.


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