Robb Hirsch
  • Male
  • Santa Fe, NM
  • United States

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Welcome, Robb Hirsch!

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Robb Hirsch posted a blog post

Focusing on positives and our possibilities

Among the skepticism that has abounded regarding the United States' climate and clean energy leadership, there are some remarkable glimmers of hope of late that are worth not only acknowledging but giving our energizing attention to - as follows:(1) The Federal Government and US Auto industry have established outstanding fuel efficiency standards over the coming decade(s) that will lead the world and effectively double our fuel economy to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. “This is truly a…See More
Aug 30, 2012

Profile Information

How are you personally leading to advance clean energy in your own life?
My professional work is in the field of renewable energy development; I volunteer as the Executive Director of the Climate Chante Leadeership Institute; my family has solar panels on our house, we drive hybrid vehicles; I dry my clothes on the clothes line; I try to consume less; I strive to live sustainably in many other ways too but I have a long way to go!

Description of My Revolution:

From Labor Day to Thanksgiving – to encourage US Climate Leadership – I biked 6,000 miles around the eastern half of the United States, speaking at universities, schools and communities along the way, drumming up local media attention behind climate stewardship and gathering a petition which I delivered to Washington DC before a major international conference on the matter. I paid for this journey by selling my pick-up truck; I rode a mountain bike with a purple back-pack bungy corded behind; I slept in baseball dug-outs and corn fields along the scenic back-roads; I got to know the down and dirty, bounty and beauty of America and the hospitality of our people…and after it was all said and done I met the lovely woman who became my wife the very night I peddled home.

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Robb Hirsch's Blog

Let's lead by example and enact a greenhouse gas emission fee

The business community, civil society, indeed people all around the world are waking up to - and speaking out about - the fact that if we sincerely care to address human induced climate change we no longer can externalize the cost of our greenhouse gas emissions but rather we must put an escalating price on the carbon dioxide and methane pollution that pervades our economy. See the article below on the host of responsible voices including business leaders that are pressing for progress on…


Posted on September 23, 2014 at 9:44am

President Obama deserves credit and congratulations for spearheading leadership on climate change

President Obama stepped up yesterday June 25, 2013 and delivered a speech on human induced climate change that is worthy of commendation and worth a read (check it out at His statement at Georgetown University was not just words or empty promises. He…


Posted on June 26, 2013 at 1:36pm

Help a community leader fulfill a lifelong dream

I am asking you to help one of our community's most inspiring PE teachers named Ted fulfill a life-long dream of his to participate in the Hawaiian Kona Iron Man. 
Go to
then click Explore Entries and click on the entry of Ted in the gym wearing a white shirt with the slogan "Persistence, P.Ee Pushing Your Limits - An Inspiration to All" 
Ted has dedicated himself for the last…

Posted on May 8, 2013 at 11:31am

Focusing on positives and our possibilities

Among the skepticism that has abounded regarding the United States' climate and clean energy leadership, there are some remarkable glimmers of hope of late that are worth not only acknowledging but giving our energizing attention to - as follows:

(1) The Federal Government and US Auto industry have established outstanding fuel efficiency standards over the coming decade(s) that will lead the world and effectively double our fuel economy to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. “This is truly…


Posted on August 30, 2012 at 11:30am

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At 1:03pm on October 22, 2010, dan baker said…
in addition to 'Cap' activity... I'd like to see a groundswell of activity to get Fannie and Freddie out of the way of the PACE loan programs which most people need to install PV. One way to help is to take one minute and go to to let your US Congresspeople know how you feel.
At 7:44pm on August 18, 2010, Erin Sibley Doerwald said…
On it!


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